Art. 2 Scope
1 The present Act applies to vertebrates. The Federal Council decides to which invertebrates it applies and to what extent. In doing so, it is guided by scientific knowledge on the sentience of invertebrate animals. 2 The following are reserved: the Hunting Act of 20 June 19863, the Federal Act of 1 July 19664 on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage, the Federal Act of 21 June 19915 on Fishing, the Vocational and Professional Training and Education Act of 13 December 20026 and the Epizootic Diseases Act of 1 July 19667. BGE
127 I 115 () from 18. Juni 2001
Regeste: Art. 10 BV und Art. 6 Ziff. 1 EMRK; richterliche Kontrolle einer Autopsieverfügung. Bestreiten die nahen Angehörigen eines Verstorbenen im Nachhinein die Anordnung einer Autopsie, muss diese grundsätzlich zum Gegenstand einer richterlichen Überprüfung gemacht werden können. |