Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Act, CopA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 9 October 1992 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 43a

1A col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tion may also as­sert the ex­clus­ive rights of rights hold­ers who are not rep­res­en­ted by it for the use of a large num­ber of pub­lished works and pro­tec­ted per­form­ances, and for which as­ser­tion is not sub­ject to the au­thor­isa­tion re­quire­ment un­der Art­icle 41, in­so­far as the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments are ful­filled:

The li­censed use does not im­pair the nor­mal ex­ploit­a­tion of pro­tec­ted works and per­form­ances.
The col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tion rep­res­ents a sig­ni­fic­ant num­ber of rights hold­ers with­in the scope of the li­cence.

2Works loc­ated in col­lec­tions of pub­lic and pub­licly ac­cess­ible lib­rar­ies, archives or oth­er memory in­sti­tu­tions are con­sidered to be pub­lished with­in the mean­ing of para­graph 1.

3The col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tions shall make the ex­ten­ded col­lect­ive li­cences known in an ap­pro­pri­ate man­ner be­fore they come in­to force, in par­tic­u­lar via pub­lic­a­tion in eas­ily ac­cess­ible and trace­able loc­a­tions.

4Rights hold­ers and hold­ers of an ex­clus­ive li­cence may re­quest the col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tion which is grant­ing an ex­ten­ded col­lect­ive li­cence to ex­clude their rights from a par­tic­u­lar col­lect­ive li­cence; the ap­plic­ab­il­ity of this col­lect­ive li­cence to the pro­tec­ted works or pro­tec­ted ser­vices in ques­tion ends with the re­ceipt of the opt out no­tice.

5Neither the pro­vi­sions re­gard­ing tar­iffs (Art. 46 and 47) nor the pro­vi­sions re­gard­ing the su­per­vi­sion of tar­iffs (Art. 55–60) ap­ply to ex­ten­ded col­lect­ive li­cences; however, pro­ceeds from these ex­ploit­a­tions must be dis­trib­uted in ac­cord­ance with the prin­ciples of Art­icle 49. Ex­ploit­a­tion un­der this art­icle is sub­ject to the ob­lig­a­tion to provide in­form­a­tion and render ac­count (Art. 50) and the su­per­vi­sion of the con­duct of busi­ness (Art. 52–54).

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