Art. 69a Offences relating to technical protection measures and to rights- management information 76
1 On the complaint of the person whose protection has been violated, any person who wilfully and unlawfully commits any of the following acts is liable to a monetary penalty:
2 Any person who has committed any act mentioned in paragraph 1 for commercial gain shall be prosecuted ex officio. The penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or a monetary penalty. 3 Acts under paragraph 1 letter c and d are only liable to prosecution where they are carried out by a person who is known or, under the circumstances, should be known, for instigating, enabling, facilitating or concealing infringements of copyright or related rights. 76 Inserted by Art. 2 of the FD of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 July 2008 (AS 2008 2497; BBl 2006 3389). BGE
139 IV 1 (6B_584/2011) from 11. Oktober 2012
Regeste: a Art. 150bis StGB; Herstellen und Inverkehrbringen von Materialien zur unbefugten Entschlüsselung codierter Angebote. Der Betrieb eines Kartenfreigabesystems (cardsharing), das seinen Benutzern ermöglicht, Fernsehprogramme zu entschlüsseln, ohne mit dem Sendeunternehmen ein Abonnement abgeschlossen zu haben, fällt für sich gesehen nicht unter den Tatbestand von Art. 150bis StGB (E. 2). |