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Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Act, CopA)

of 9 October 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 10 Use of the work

1 The au­thor has the ex­clus­ive right to de­cide wheth­er, when and how his work is used.

2 The au­thor has the right, in par­tic­u­lar:

to pro­duce cop­ies of the work, such as prin­ted mat­ter, phono­grams, au­dio-visu­al fix­a­tions or data car­ri­ers;
to of­fer, trans­fer or oth­er­wise dis­trib­ute cop­ies of the work;
to re­cite, per­form or present a work, or make it per­cept­ible some­where else or make it avail­able dir­ectly or through any kind of me­di­um in such a way that per­sons may ac­cess it from a place and at a time in­di­vidu­ally chosen by them;
to broad­cast the work by ra­dio, tele­vi­sion or sim­il­ar means, in­clud­ing by wire;
to re­trans­mit works by means of tech­nic­al equip­ment, the pro­vider of which is not the ori­gin­al broad­cast­ing or­gan­isa­tion, in par­tic­u­lar in­clud­ing by wire;
to make works made avail­able, broad­cast and re­trans­mit­ted per­cept­ible.

3 The au­thor of a com­puter pro­gram also has the ex­clus­ive rent­al right.

5 Amended by Art. 2 of the FD of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2008 (AS 2008 2497; BBl 20063389).

6 Amended by Art. 2 of the FD of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2008 (AS 2008 2497; BBl 20063389).