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Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Act, CopA)

of 9 October 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 22 Dissemination of broadcast works

1 The right to make broad­cast works per­cept­ible sim­ul­tan­eously and without al­ter­a­tion or to rebroad­cast such works with­in the frame­work of the re­trans­mis­sion of a broad­cast pro­gramme may only be as­ser­ted by the au­thor­ised col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tions.

2 The re­trans­mis­sion of works by means of tech­nic­al equip­ment that is in­ten­ded to serve a small num­ber of re­ceiv­ers, such as in­stall­a­tions in a mul­tiple-fam­ily dwell­ing or in a res­id­en­tial com­plex, is per­mit­ted.

3 This Art­icle does not ap­ply to the rebroad­cast­ing of sub­scrip­tion tele­vi­sion pro­grammes or of pro­grammes that can­not be re­ceived in Switzer­land.