Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
Art. 28 Reporting current events
1 Where it is necessary for reporting current events, the works perceived in doing so may be fixed, reproduced, presented, broadcast, distributed or otherwise made perceptible. 2 For the purposes of information about current affairs, short excerpts from press articles or from radio and television reports may be reproduced, distributed, broadcast or retransmitted; full reference must be made to the relevant excerpt as well as the source. Where the source refers to the name of the author, the name must also be cited. BGE
131 III 480 () from 22. Juni 2005
Regeste: Urheberrecht; Zitatrecht; Urheberpersönlichkeitsrecht (Art. 11 und 25 URG). Voraussetzungen des Zitatrechts bei Sprachwerken (E. 2 und 3). Indirekter Eingriff in die Werkintegrität durch die unerlaubte Veröffentlichung eines Sprachwerkes in einer Zeitung (E. 4)? |