Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Act, CopA)

of 9 October 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

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Art. 39d

1The pro­vider of an in­ter­net host­ing ser­vice which stores in­form­a­tion entered by users is re­quired to pre­vent a work or oth­er pro­tec­ted sub­ject mat­ter from be­ing un­law­fully re­made avail­able to third parties through the use of its ser­vices, if the fol­low­ing re­quire­ments are ful­filled:

The work or oth­er pro­tec­ted sub­ject mat­ter has already been un­law­fully made avail­able to third parties via the same in­ter­net host­ing ser­vice.
The pro­vider has been no­ti­fied of the in­fringe­ment.
The in­ter­net host­ing ser­vice has cre­ated a par­tic­u­lar risk of such in­fringe­ments, spe­cific­ally due to a tech­nic­al mode of op­er­a­tion or an eco­nom­ic ori­ent­a­tion which en­cour­ages in­fringe­ment.

2The pro­vider must take the tech­nic­al and eco­nom­ic meas­ures reas­on­ably ex­pec­ted of them, tak­ing in­to ac­count the risk of such in­fringe­ments.

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