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Federal Act on Copyright and Related Rights
(Copyright Act, CopA)

of 9 October 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 46 Tariffs

1 The col­lect­ive rights man­age­ment or­gan­isa­tions shall draw up tar­iffs for the re­mu­ner­a­tion that they col­lect.

2 They ne­go­ti­ate the terms of each tar­iff with the rel­ev­ant as­so­ci­ations of users.

3 They shall sub­mit the tar­iffs to the Fed­er­al Ar­bit­ra­tion Com­mis­sion (Art. 55) for ap­prov­al and shall pub­lish the ap­proved tar­iffs.