Art. 35bbis Sulphur content of petrol and diesel 87
1 Any person who imports, or in Switzerland produces or extracts petrol or diesel with a sulphur content of more than 0.001 per cent (% by mass) pays the Confederation an incentive tax. 2 Petrol and diesel with a sulphur content of more than 0.001 percent (% by mass) are exempted from the tax if they are in transit or being exported. 3 The tax amounts to a maximum of 5 centimes per litre plus a surcharge to take account of inflation from the date on which this provision comes into force. 4 The Federal Council may fix rates of tax that are different for petrol and diesel. 5 The Federal Council sets the rate of the tax with reference to the air quality objectives, taking special account of:
6 The revenue from the tax, including interest and under deduction of implementation costs, is shared equally among the population. The Federal Council regulates the distribution procedure. It may instruct the cantons, public corporations or private individuals to make the distribution. 87 Inserted by No I of the FA of 20 June 2003, in force since 1 Jan. 2004 (AS 20034215; BBl 20026464). |