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Federal Act
on Unfair Competition
(Unfair Competition Act, UCA)

Art. 9 Right to take legal action 27

1 Any per­son who is threatened with or sus­tains dam­age to their cus­tom­er base, their cred­it or pro­fes­sion­al repu­ta­tion, their busi­ness op­er­a­tions or oth­er­wise to their eco­nom­ic in­terests as a res­ult of un­fair com­pet­i­tion may re­quest the court:

to pro­hib­it im­min­ent dam­age;
to re­dress ex­ist­ing dam­age;
to de­term­ine the il­leg­al­ity of the dam­age if this is con­tinu­ing to have a dis­rupt­ive ef­fect.

2 They may in par­tic­u­lar re­quest that no­tice of any cor­rec­tion or the judg­ment be giv­en to third parties or be pub­lished.

3 They may also bring an ac­tion pur­su­ant to the Code of Ob­lig­a­tions28 for dam­ages and sat­is­fac­tion and for de­liv­ery of profits in ac­cord­ance with the pro­vi­sions on agency without au­thor­ity.

27 Amended by An­nex 1 No II 15 of the Civil Pro­ced­ure Code of 19 Dec. 2008, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 1739; BBl 2006 7221).

28SR 220