on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications

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Art. 11 Services outside normal working hours and on public holidays 12

1 Out­side nor­mal work­ing hours and on pub­lic hol­i­days, the PTSS, the TSPs, with the ex­cep­tion of those with re­duced sur­veil­lance du­ties (Art. 51), and the PDC­Ss with more ex­tens­ive sur­veil­lance du­ties (Art. 52) must provide an on-call ser­vice dur­ing which they must be avail­able at all times in or­der to rec­ti­fy faults and provide the fol­low­ing ser­vices in­so­far as they are re­quired to do so in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 18 and 50:

provid­ing in­form­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 35–43, 48a–48c and in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 27 in con­junc­tion with the Art­icles 35, 40, 42 and 43;
ac­tiv­at­ing real-time sur­veil­lance in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 54–59;
con­duct­ing ur­gent ret­ro­spect­ive sur­veil­lance activ­it­ies in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 60–63, 65 and 66;
con­duct­ing miss­ing per­son searches in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 67 and wanted per­son searches in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 68, with the ex­cep­tion of net­work cov­er­age ana­lys­is in pre­par­a­tion for an an­tenna search in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 64;
is­su­ing as­sign­ments for the mo­bile phone loc­al­isa­tion of sus­pec­ted ter­ror­ists in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 68a;

2 The au­thor­it­ies must no­ti­fy the PTSS on-call ser­vice by tele­phone of ser­vices provided un­der para­graph 1, un­less the in­form­a­tion is provided auto­mat­ic­ally via the query in­ter­face of the pro­cessing sys­tems.

3 Re­quests for spe­cial in­form­a­tion and or­ders for spe­cial sur­veil­lance activ­it­ies (Art. 25) shall not be ac­cep­ted or pro­cessed out­side nor­mal work­ing hours or on pub­lic hol­i­days.

4 TSPs with re­duced sur­veil­lance du­ties (Art. 51), PDC­Ss and PDC­Ss with more ex­tens­ive du­ties to provide in­form­a­tion (Art. 22) that already have an in­tern­al on-call ser­vice must provide the PTSS with the cur­rent con­tact de­tails for their on-call ser­vice. In par­tic­u­larly ur­gent cases, the PTSS is per­mit­ted to con­tact them out­side nor­mal work­ing hours and on pub­lic hol­i­days via this chan­nel.

12 Amended by No I of the O of 15 Nov. 2023, in force since 1 Jan. 2024 (AS 2023 685).

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