on the Surveillance of Post and Telecommunications

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Art. 31 Verifying ability to provide information and conduct surveillance

1 TSPs and PDC­Ss with more ex­tens­ive in­form­a­tion (Art. 22) or sur­veil­lance du­ties (Art. 52) shall in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 33 para­graph 1 SPTA provide proof of their abil­ity to provide in­form­a­tion and con­duct sur­veil­lance.

2 Proof is provided if:

the tests that must be con­duc­ted in ac­cord­ance with PTSS re­quire­ments have been suc­cess­fully com­pleted; and
the pro­vider con­firms in a ques­tion­naire drawn up by the PTSS it meets the re­quire­ments in re­la­tion to stand­ard­ised in­form­a­tion and sur­veil­lance activ­it­ies that can­not be proven by test­ing.

3 The PTSS shall en­sure that it con­ducts the veri­fic­a­tion pro­cess promptly and does not cause any delay in mar­ket in­tro­duc­tion. To do so, it shall carry out the fol­low­ing tasks:

It shall check the res­ults of the tests in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2 let­ter a.
It shall eval­u­ate the ques­tion­naire in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 2 let­ter b.
It shall keep a re­cord of the test pro­ced­ures.
It shall is­sue the pro­viders with con­firm­a­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 33 para­graph 6 SPTA.
It shall re­tain the re­cords for as long as the con­firm­a­tion re­mains val­id and for ten years after its ex­piry.

4 The PTSS shall state in the con­firm­a­tion that the pro­vider has proven its abil­ity to provide cer­tain types of in­form­a­tion and con­duct cer­tain types of sur­veil­lance activ­it­ies.

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