on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

of 4 December 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

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Art. 24 Recovery of waste in the production of cement and concrete

1 Waste may be used as a raw ma­ter­i­al, as raw meal cor­rect­ive sub­stances, as heat­ing fuels or as ad­dit­ives or ag­greg­ates in the pro­duc­tion of ce­ment and con­crete provided it sat­is­fies the re­quire­ments un­der An­nex 4. However, mixed mu­ni­cip­al waste may not be used as a raw ma­ter­i­al or as a heat­ing fuel even if col­lec­ted and sub­sequently sor­ted.

2 Dusts from the ex­haust fil­ter­ing at fa­cil­it­ies pro­du­cing ce­ment clinker must be re­covered as ag­greg­ates for grind­ing ce­ment clinker or as ad­dit­ives in the pro­duc­tion of ce­ment. The heavy met­al con­tent of the ce­ment pro­duced must not ex­ceed the lim­it val­ues in An­nex 4 num­ber 3.2.

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