on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

of 4 December 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 3 Definitions

In this Or­din­ance:

mu­ni­cip­al waste means:
waste from house­holds,
waste from busi­nesses with few­er than 250 full-time em­ploy­ees the com­pos­i­tion of which in in­gredi­ents and pro­por­tions is sim­il­ar to waste from house­holds,
waste from pub­lic au­thor­it­ies the com­pos­i­tion of which in in­gredi­ents and pro­por­tions is sim­il­ar to waste from house­holds;
un­der­tak­ing means a leg­al en­tity with its own iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber or such en­tit­ies com­bined in a group with a jointly or­gan­ised waste dis­pos­al sys­tem;
spe­cial waste means waste des­ig­nated as spe­cial waste in the list of wastes is­sued in Art­icle 2 of the Or­din­ance of 22 June 20054 on Move­ments of Waste (OMW);
bio­gen­ic waste means waste of ve­get­able, an­im­al or mi­cro­bi­al ori­gin;
con­struc­tion waste means waste pro­duced in the con­struc­tion, con­ver­sion or dis­mant­ling of fixed in­stall­a­tions;
ex­cav­ated ma­ter­i­almeans ma­ter­i­al that is ex­cav­ated or ex­trac­ted in the course of con­struc­tion work, with the ex­cep­tion of any top­soil and sub­soil re­moved;
mer­cury waste:
waste that con­tains mer­cury or mer­cury com­pounds,
mer­cury or mer­cury com­pounds ori­gin­at­ing from the treat­ment of mer­cury waste in terms of num­ber 1; the fore­go­ing does not ap­ply to mer­cury that has been au­thor­ised for ex­port un­der An­nex 1.7 Num­bers 2.2.4 or 4.2 of the Chem­ic­al Risk Re­duc­tion Or­din­ance of 18 May 20056 (OR­RChem),
mer­cury or mer­cury com­pounds that is or are no longer re­quired in in­dus­tri­al pro­cesses;
waste dis­pos­al fa­cil­ity means an in­stall­a­tion in which waste is treated, re­covered, de­pos­ited or tem­por­ar­ily stored, with the ex­cep­tion of ma­ter­i­al ex­trac­tion sites in which ex­cav­ated ma­ter­i­al is re­covered;
com­post­ing fa­cil­itymeans a waste dis­pos­al fa­cil­ity in which bio­gen­ic waste de­com­poses while ex­posed to the air;
fer­ment­a­tion fa­cil­itymeans a waste dis­pos­al fa­cil­ity in which bio­gen­ic waste is al­lowed to fer­ment in the ab­sence of air;
land­fill means a waste dis­pos­al fa­cil­ity in which waste is de­pos­ited;
in­cin­er­a­tion means the treat­ment of waste at a tem­per­at­ure that is suf­fi­ciently high that sub­stances haz­ard­ous to the en­vir­on­ment are des­troyed or phys­ic­ally or chem­ic­ally bon­ded by min­er­al­isa­tion;
state of the art means the latest stage of de­vel­op­ment of pro­ced­ures, in­stall­a­tions and op­er­at­ing meth­ods which:
have been suc­cess­fully tested in com­par­able fa­cil­it­ies or activ­it­ies in Switzer­land or abroad or have been used suc­cess­fully in tri­als and may be used in oth­er fa­cil­it­ies or activ­it­ies in ac­cord­ance with the rules of the tech­no­logy, and
is eco­nom­ic­ally vi­able in a me­di­um-sized and eco­nom­ic­ally sound en­ter­prise in the rel­ev­ant in­dustry.

3 Amended by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, in force since 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).

4 SR814.610

5 In­ser­ted by No II 1 of the O of 25 Oct. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 5963).

6 SR 814.81

7 Re­pealed by No I of the O of 12 Feb. 2020, with ef­fect from 1 April 2020 (AS 2020 801).

8 The cor­rec­tion of 19 Ju­ly 2016 relates to the Itali­an text only (AS 20162629).

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