on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

of 4 December 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 33 Construction

1 Com­post­ing and fer­ment­a­tion fa­cil­it­ies that ac­cept more than 100 t waste each year must be con­struc­ted on a sur­face im­per­meable to wa­ter; the fore­go­ing does not ap­ply to win­drows at field-edge com­post­ing sites. A win­drow may be used for one year at the most in any three-year peri­od.

2 The struc­tur­al ele­ments must guar­an­tee that:

the waste wa­ter on any sur­face im­per­meable to wa­ters can be col­lec­ted, dis­charged and if ne­ces­sary treated;
gaseous ef­flu­ents pro­duced in closed spaces can be treated if ne­ces­sary;
suit­able meas­ures are taken to pre­vent or re­duce emis­sions of green­house gases.

3 Stor­age ca­pa­city in the fa­cil­ity of at least three months for com­post and sol­id di­gest­ates and of at least five months for li­quid di­gest­ates must be avail­able or con­trac­tu­ally guar­an­teed. The au­thor­ity may re­quire a longer stor­age ca­pa­city for fa­cil­it­ies in the moun­tain re­gion or in un­fa­vour­able cli­mat­ic or spe­cial ag­ro­nom­ic con­di­tions.

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