on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

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Art. 54 Other existing waste disposal facilities

1 Waste dis­pos­al fa­cil­it­ies oth­er than land­fills and com­part­ments that come in­to op­er­a­tion be­fore this Or­din­ance comes in­to force must sat­is­fy the re­quire­ments of this Or­din­ance for struc­tur­al modi­fic­a­tions by 31 Decem­ber 2020 at the latest. The oth­er re­quire­ments ap­ply from the date on which this Or­din­ance comes in­to force, sub­ject to para­graphs 2 and 3.

2 The duty un­der Art­icle 32 para­graph 2 let­ter a to use at least 55 per cent of the en­ergy con­tent of mu­ni­cip­al waste and waste of sim­il­ar com­pos­i­tion in fa­cil­it­ies for the in­cin­er­a­tion of waste ap­plies from 1 Janu­ary 2026.

3 The duty un­der Art­icle 32 para­graph 2 let­ter g to re­cov­er metals from fil­ter ash pro­duced in the treat­ment of mu­ni­cip­al waste and waste of sim­il­ar com­pos­i­tion ap­plies from 1 Janu­ary 2026. Un­til that date, fil­ter ash may be de­pos­ited in hy­draul­ic­ally bound form without the re­cov­ery of metals in Type C land­fills or com­part­ments provided there are no avail­able treat­ment ca­pa­cit­ies for re­cov­ery.54

54 Amended by No I of the O of 11 Dec. 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 6283).

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