on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

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Art. 22 Sludge and sweepings from street gullies

1 Re­cov­er­able parts such as chip­pings, sand and gravel must be sep­ar­ated from sludge and sweep­ings from street gul­lies that are primar­ily of min­er­al com­pos­i­tion and re­cycled.

2 The re­main­ing parts of street sweep­ings in ac­cord­ance with para­graph 1 and oth­er street sweep­ings, mu­ni­cip­al waste or waste of sim­il­ar com­pos­i­tion or with high bio­gen­ic con­tent must be in­cin­er­ated in ap­pro­pri­ate fa­cil­it­ies.

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