on the Avoidance and the Disposal of Waste
(Waste Ordinance, ADWO)

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Art. 53 Existing landfills and compartments

1 Land­fills and com­part­ments that came in­to op­er­a­tion be­fore this Or­din­ance comes in­to force may con­tin­ue in op­er­a­tion provided the re­quire­ments for grant­ing an op­er­at­ing li­cence in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 40 are met by 31 Decem­ber 2020 at the latest.

2 The can­ton­al au­thor­ity shall as­sess by by 31 Decem­ber 2020 at the latest wheth­er the land­fills or com­part­ments will cause harm or nuis­ance to the en­vir­on­ment or wheth­er they are likely to cause harm or nuis­ance with­in 50 years of clos­ure (risk as­sess­ment). The pro­pri­et­ors of the land­fills shall provide the au­thor­ity with the data re­quired for this pur­pose.

3 Where the risk as­sess­ment finds that a land­fill or com­part­ment is caus­ing harm or nuis­ance to the en­vir­on­ment or that there is a spe­cif­ic danger of such harm or nuis­ance, the land­fill or com­part­ment may not con­tin­ue in op­er­a­tion un­less im­prove­ments are made in ac­cord­ance with the CSO52.

4 Where the risk as­sess­ment finds that a land­fill or com­part­ment is likely to cause harm or nuis­ance with­in 50 years of clos­ure or that there is a spe­cif­ic risk of such harm or nuis­ance, the land­fill or com­part­ment may con­tin­ue in op­er­a­tion, provided the po­ten­tial harm or nuis­ance is pre­ven­ted through ap­pro­pri­ate meas­ures.

5 The pro­pri­et­or of an ex­ist­ing land­fill or an ex­ist­ing com­part­ment with de­gass­ing sys­tems must ar­range for these fa­cil­it­ies to be reg­u­larly in­spec­ted by an ex­pert un­til the end of op­er­a­tions and for the land­fill gases to be ana­lysed at least twice a year.

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