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Federal Act
on Administrative Procedure
(Administrative Procedure Act, APA)1

of 20 December 1968 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

1 Abbreviation added by Annex No II 3 of the Law Enforcement Authorities Act of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3267; BBl 20088125).

Art. 33

V. Evid­ence


1 The au­thor­ity shall ad­mit the evid­ence offered if it ap­pears re­li­able for de­term­in­ing the facts of the case.

2 If tak­ing the evid­ence en­tails com­par­at­ively high costs, and if the party will be li­able for costs if the rul­ing is not in his fa­vour, the au­thor­ity may make the tak­ing of evid­ence de­pend­ent on the party mak­ing an ad­vance pay­ment, with­in a spe­cif­ic peri­od, of the costs that may reas­on­ably be in­curred; a party without fin­an­cial means shall be ex­emp­ted from the ob­lig­a­tion to make ad­vance pay­ment.