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Federal Act
on Administrative Procedure
(Administrative Procedure Act, APA)1

of 20 December 1968 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

1 Abbreviation added by Annex No II 3 of the Law Enforcement Authorities Act of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3267; BBl 20088125).

Art. 33b70

Hter. Am­ic­able agree­ment and me­di­ation


1 The au­thor­ity may sus­pend the pro­ceed­ings with the con­sent of the parties in or­der that the parties may agree on the con­tent of the rul­ing. The agree­ment should state that the parties waive their right of ap­peal and how the parties in­tend to al­loc­ate the costs.

2 In or­der to en­cour­age an agree­ment, the au­thor­ity may ap­point a neut­ral and suit­ably qual­i­fied nat­ur­al per­son to be a me­di­at­or.

3 The me­di­at­or shall be bound only by the law and his man­date from the au­thor­ity. He may take evid­ence; for in­spec­tions, re­ports from ex­perts and the ex­am­in­a­tion of wit­nesses, he shall re­quire pri­or au­thor­isa­tion from the au­thor­ity.

4 The au­thor­ity shall make the agree­ment the con­tent of its rul­ing, un­less the agree­ment is de­fect­ive in terms of Art­icle 49.

5 If an agree­ment is reached, the au­thor­ity shall not charge any pro­ced­ur­al fees. If no agree­ment is reached, the au­thor­ity may dis­pense with im­pos­ing the costs of me­di­ation on the parties, provided the in­terests in­volved jus­ti­fy this.

6 A party may at any time re­quest that the sus­pen­sion of the pro­ceed­ings be re­voked.

70 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 10 of the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­trat­ive Court Act of 17 June 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS200621971069; BBl20014202).