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Federal Act
on Administrative Procedure
(Administrative Procedure Act, APA)1

of 20 December 1968 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

1 Abbreviation added by Annex No II 3 of the Law Enforcement Authorities Act of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3267; BBl 20088125).

Art. 67

II. Ap­plic­a­tion


1 The ap­plic­a­tion for a re­view must be filed with the ap­pel­late au­thor­ity with­in 90 days of be­com­ing aware of the grounds for a re­view, but at the latest with­in 10 years of re­ceipt of writ­ten no­ti­fic­a­tion of the ap­peal de­cision.121

1bis In the case re­ferred to in Art­icle 66 para­graph 2 let­ter d, the ap­plic­a­tion for a re­view must be filed with­in 90 days of the rel­ev­ant judg­ment of the European Court of Hu­man Rights un­der Art­icle 44 the European Con­ven­tion on Hu­man Rights of 4 Novem­ber 1950122 tak­ing full leg­al ef­fect.123

2 If 10 years have elapsed since no­ti­fic­a­tion of the ap­peal de­cision, an ap­plic­a­tion for a re­view is only ad­miss­ible on the grounds cited in Art­icle 66 para­graph 1.

3 The con­tent, form, cor­rec­tion and amend­ment of the ap­plic­a­tion for a re­view are gov­erned by Art­icles 52 and 53; the state­ment of grounds must in par­tic­u­lar in­dic­ate the grounds for the re­view and con­firm­a­tion that the ap­plic­a­tion for a re­view has been filed in time. This must also con­tain the ap­plic­a­tion in the event that a new ap­peal de­cision is made.

121 Amended by An­nex No 10 of the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­trat­ive Court Act of 17 June 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS200621971069; BBl20014202).

122 SR 0.101

123 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 10 of the Fed­er­al Ad­min­is­trat­ive Court Act of 17 June 2005, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (AS200621971069; BBl20014202).