Federal Act on Forest
(Forest Act, ForA)

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Art. 15 Motorised vehicular traffic

1 Forests and forest roads may only be ac­cessed by mo­tor­ised vehicu­lar traffic for forestry pur­poses. The Fed­er­al Coun­cil reg­u­lates the ex­cep­tions to be made for mil­it­ary and oth­er pub­lic tasks.

2 The can­tons may au­thor­ise ac­cess to forest roads for oth­er pur­poses if this does not jeop­ard­ise forest con­ser­va­tion or oth­er mat­ters of pub­lic in­terest.

3 The can­tons provide traffic sig­nals and signs and the ne­ces­sary con­trols. If sig­nals, signs and con­trols are not suf­fi­cient, bar­ri­ers may be in­stalled.

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