Federal Act on Forest
(Forest Act, ForA)

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Art. 27a Prevention of harmful organisms 28

1 Per­sons hand­ling plants must ob­serve the prin­ciples of plant pro­tec­tion.

2 The Con­fed­er­a­tion, in co­oper­a­tion with the can­tons con­cerned, shall es­tab­lish strategies and guidelines on meas­ures to be taken against harm­ful or­gan­isms that may con­sid­er­ably com­prom­ise forest func­tions. The meas­ures en­sure that:

newly iden­ti­fied harm­ful or­gan­isms are des­troyed in a timely man­ner;
es­tab­lished harm­ful or­gan­isms are con­tained if the ex­pec­ted be­ne­fits out­weigh the costs of con­trol;
harm­ful or­gan­isms found out­side of the forest area are also mon­itored, des­troyed or con­tained in or­der to pro­tect the forest.

3 Own­ers of trees, shrubs, oth­er plants, cul­tures, plant ma­ter­i­al, means of pro­duc­tion and ob­jects that are in­fes­ted or could be in­fes­ted with harm­ful or­gan­isms, or are them­selves harm­ful or­gan­isms, must carry out or al­low mon­it­or­ing, isol­a­tion, treat­ment or de­struc­tion there­of in con­junc­tion with the rel­ev­ant au­thor­it­ies.

28 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 18 March 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2016 3207; BBl 2014 4909).

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