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Ordinance on Forest (Forest Ordinance, ForO)
English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.
of 30 November 1992 (Status as of 1 July 2021)
Art. 17Securing of hazard areas
(Art. 19 ForA)
1 The securing of hazard areas includes:
silvicultural measures;
structural measures for the prevention of damage due to avalanches, as well as, in exceptional cases, the erection of installations for preventive avalanche release;
accompanying measures in torrents channels which are linked to forest conservation (torrent control works in forests);
landslide and gully control structures, the corresponding drainage works and erosion protection;
rockfall and rock avalanche control structures, retention structures, as well as, in exceptional cases, the preventive release of material at risk of falling;
the removal to a safe location of buildings and installations at risk.
2 The works shall if possible be combined with biological engineering and silvicultural measures.
3 The cantons shall ensure that planning is integrated; in particular, the planning shall balance the interests of forest management, nature and landscape protection, hydraulic engineering, agriculture and spatial planning.