Art. 39 Protection against natural events 62
(Art. 36 ForA) 1 Compensatory payments for the measures and the compilation of basic documentation on natural events are normally allocated on a global basis. The level of the global compensatory payments is negotiated between the FOEN and the canton concerned and is based on:
2 Compensatory payments may be awarded on a case by case basis, if the measures:
3 The contribution to the costs of the measures in accordance with paragraph 2 amounts to 35 to 45 per cent of the cost of the measures and is based on:
4 If a canton incurs considerable expenses due to exceptional protective measures, in particular following damage caused by bad weather, the contribution under paragraph 3 may be increased exceptionally to a maximum of 65 per cent of the cost of the measures. 5 No compensatory payments are awarded for:
62 Amended by No I 3 of the O of 2 Feb. 2011 (Development of Programme Agreements in the Environment Sector), in force since 1 March 2011 (AS 2011 649). 63 Amended by No 1 5 of the O of 28 Jan. 2015 on the Amendment of Ordinance Law on the Environment, in particular with regard to the programme agreements for the Programme Period 2016–2019, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 427). |