1 The level of global financial assistance for measures that contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the biological diversity of the forest is based on:
the number of hectares of forest reserves that are to be designated and maintained;
the number of hectares of habitats to be maintained, in particular the forest margins, which provide habitat connectivity;
the extent and quality of the measures for the promotion of animal and plant species, the conservation of which is a matter of priority for biological diversity;
the number of hectares outside forest reserves to be designated as areas with a high proportion of old wood and deadwood or with sufficient trees demonstrating characteristics that are of particular value to biological diversity (biotope tree);
the number of hectares of the forms of forest cultivation to be maintained, such as wooded pastures, coppices with standards and coppice forests and chestnut or walnut groves;
the quality of the services provided.
2 The amount is negotiated between the FOEN and the canton concerned.
3 The financial assistance may only be allocated, if the protection of the ecological as listed under paragraph 1 letters a and c–f is guaranteed contractually or in any other suitable way.