on Forest
(Forest Ordinance, ForO)

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Art. 37a57

(Art. 33 and 34 ForA)

1 The FOEN is re­spons­ible for the col­lec­tion of sur­vey data on the forest.

2 In co­oper­a­tion with the WSL, it sur­veys:

by means of the Na­tion­al Forest In­vent­ory, the ba­sic data re­lat­ing to the loc­a­tions, func­tions and con­di­tion of the forest;
the long-term de­vel­op­ment pro­cesses in nat­ur­al forest re­serves.

3 As part of its ba­sic re­mit, the WSL shall con­duct long-term re­search pro­grammes to sur­vey the pres­sure on the forest eco­sys­tem.

4 The FOEN shall in­form the au­thor­it­ies and the gen­er­al pub­lic about these sur­veys.

57 Amended by No I of the O of 17 Aug. 2016, in force since 1 Jan. 2017 (AS 2016 3215).

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