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Federal Act
on Weapons, Weapon Accessories and Ammunition
(Weapons Act, WA)

of 20 June 1997 (Status as of 23 January 2023)

Art.18 Commercial manufacture, repair and conversion 57

A weapons trad­ing per­mit is re­quired by any per­son who com­mer­cially:

man­u­fac­tures weapons, es­sen­tial or spe­cially de­signed weapon com­pon­ents, weapon ac­cessor­ies, am­muni­tion or am­muni­tion com­pon­ents;
mod­i­fies weapon parts that are es­sen­tial to its func­tion­ing or im­pact; or
re­pairs or con­verts fire­arms, their es­sen­tial or spe­cially de­signed weapon com­pon­ents, weapon ac­cessor­ies, am­muni­tion or am­muni­tion com­pon­ents.

57 Amended by Art. 2 of the FD of 11 Dec. 2009 on the Ad­op­tion and Im­ple­ment­a­tion of the Ex­change of Notes between Switzer­land and the EC con­cern­ing the Ad­op­tion of Dir­ect­ive 2008/51/EC on Amend­ing the Weapons Dir­ect­ive, in force since 28 Ju­ly 2010 (AS 2010 2899; BBl 2009 3649).