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Federal Act
on the Protection of the Swiss Coat of Arms and Other Public Signs
(Coat of Arms Protection Act, CAPA)

of 21 June 2013 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 16 Authorisation

1 A pub­lic body may au­thor­ise third parties to use its signs. Art­icle 15 para­graphs 2–4 re­main ap­plic­able.

2 Such au­thor­isa­tion is, in par­tic­u­lar, con­sti­tuted by:

proof by the com­pet­ent for­eign au­thor­ity of the identic­al re­gis­tra­tion of the sign as a trade mark, design, busi­ness name or name of an as­so­ci­ation or found­a­tion by means of a cor­res­pond­ing re­gis­tra­tion cer­ti­fic­ate;
any oth­er proof from the com­pet­ent for­eign au­thor­ity au­thor­ising the use or re­gis­tra­tion of the sign as a trade mark, design, busi­ness name or name of an as­so­ci­ation or found­a­tion.