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Federal Act
on the Protection of the Swiss Coat of Arms and Other Public Signs
(Coat of Arms Protection Act, CAPA)

of 21 June 2013 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Art. 28 Unlawful use of public signs

1 Any per­son who wil­fully and un­law­fully com­mits any of the fol­low­ing acts is li­able to a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing one year or a mon­et­ary pen­alty:

af­fixes do­mest­ic or for­eign pub­lic signs pro­tec­ted un­der this Act or signs that could be con­fused with them to items, or who sells, makes avail­able, im­ports, ex­ports or car­ries in trans­it or oth­er­wise places on the mar­ket items marked in this way;
uses the signs un­der let­ter a on of­fice signs, in ad­vert­ise­ments, pro­spect­uses, busi­ness pa­pers, in­ter­net sites or the like;
uses the signs un­der let­ter a for ser­vices or ad­vert­ises ser­vices with such signs;
uses an of­fi­cial des­ig­na­tion or a des­ig­na­tion that could be con­fused with it;
uses a do­mest­ic or for­eign na­tion­al fig­ur­at­ive or word sign.

2 If the of­fend­er acts for com­mer­cial gain, the pen­alty is a cus­todi­al sen­tence not ex­ceed­ing five years or a mon­et­ary pen­alty. …10

3 Art­icle 64 TmPA11 re­mains re­served.

10 Second sen­tence re­pealed by No I 9 of the FA of 17 Dec. 2021 on the Har­mon­isa­tion of Sen­ten­cing Policy, with ef­fect from 1 Ju­ly 2023 (AS 2023 259; BBl 2018 2827).

11 SR 232.11