Federal Act
Art. 35 Right to continued use
1 In derogation from Article 8, coats of arms and signs that could be confused with them that have been used until the entry into force of this Act may be used for a period of not more than two years following this date. 2 The Federal Department of Justice and Police may, on reasoned request, permit the continued use of the Swiss flag or the sign that could be confused with it where justified by particular circumstances. The request must be submitted at the latest within two years of the entry into force of this Act. 3 Particular circumstances exist where it is shown that:
4 For service trade marks, particular circumstances exist where it is shown that:
5 For coats of arms of the cantons, the communes and other public authorities recognised under cantonal law, the competent cantonal authority may, on request, authorise their continued use. The relevant provisions are governed by cantonal law. 6 Such continued use must not lead to any deception with regard to the geographical origin within the meaning of Article 47–50 TmPA16, with regard to the nationality of the user, the business, the company, the association or the foundation, or with regard to the commercial relations of the person making use of the sign, such as, in particular, alleged official relationships to the Confederation or to a canton. The right to continued use may only be inherited or sold together with the business or the part of the business to which the sign belongs. BGE
145 III 85 (4A_489/2018) from 3. Januar 2019
Regeste: Art. 5 und Art. 6 des Bundesgesetzes vom 15. Dezember 1961 zum Schutz von Namen und Zeichen der Organisation der Vereinten Nationen und anderer zwischenstaatlicher Organisationen (NZSchG); Weiterbenützungsrecht, Eintragungsverbot. Wer ein nach NZSchG geschütztes Zeichen vor der Veröffentlichung des Kennzeichens der betreffenden zwischenstaatlichen Organisation zu benützen begonnen hat, darf das Zeichen jedenfalls dann nicht in das Markenregister eintragen lassen, wenn es sich von der vorbenützten Version unterscheidet (E. 3.2). |