Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 101

C. Wed­ding ce­re­mony

I. Ven­ue


1The wed­ding ce­re­mony takes place at the wed­ding ven­ue of the civil re­gister dis­trict chosen by the en­gaged couple.

2Where the pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure was con­duc­ted in a dif­fer­ent civil re­gister dis­trict, the en­gaged couple must pro­duce a mar­riage li­cence.

3If the en­gaged couple show that they can­not reas­on­ably be re­quired to ap­pear at the of­fi­cial ven­ue, the wed­ding may take place at an­oth­er loc­a­tion.


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