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Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 178

5. Re­stric­tion of power to dis­pose of as­sets


1To the ex­tent re­quired to en­sure the fam­ily’s fin­an­cial se­cur­ity or ful­fil­ment of a fin­an­cial ob­lig­a­tion arising from the mar­it­al uni­on, at the re­quest of one spouse the court may make the power to dis­pose of cer­tain as­sets con­di­tion­al on its con­sent.

2The court or­ders the ap­pro­pri­ate pro­tect­ive meas­ures.

3If it pro­hib­its a spouse from dis­pos­ing of land it must have a note to this ef­fect re­cor­ded in the land re­gister.