Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 222

II. Com­mon prop­erty

1. Gen­er­al com­munity of prop­erty


1The gen­er­al com­munity of prop­erty com­bines the as­sets and in­come of the spouses in­to com­mon prop­erty, with the ex­cep­tion of those as­sets which by law con­sti­tute in­di­vidu­al prop­erty.

2The com­mon prop­erty be­longs to both spouses jointly.

3Neither spouse is en­titled to dis­pose of his or her share of the com­mon prop­erty.


119 IV 339 () from 3. September 1993
Regeste: Art. 270 Abs. 1 BStP; Legitimation des Geschädigten zur Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde im Strafpunkt. Prüfung der drei Voraussetzungen, unter denen nach dem neuen Art. 270 Abs. 1 BStP der Geschädigte zur Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde legitimiert ist.


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