Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 233

C. Li­ab­il­ity to­ward third parties

I. Full li­ab­il­ity


Each spouse is li­able with his or her in­di­vidu­al prop­erty and the com­mon prop­erty:

for debts in­curred in ex­er­cising his or her powers to rep­res­ent the mar­it­al uni­on or in man­aging the com­mon prop­erty;
for debts in­curred in the pur­suit of a pro­fes­sion or busi­ness, provided com­mon prop­erty has been used for this or the in­come there­from be­comes com­mon prop­erty;
for debts for which the oth­er spouse is also per­son­ally li­able;
for debts in re­spect of which the spouses have agreed with third parties that their com­mon prop­erty as well as the debt­or’s in­di­vidu­al prop­erty will be li­able.

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