Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 30a

b. On the death of a spouse


A per­son whose spouse dies may, if that per­son changed his or her sur­name on mar­riage, at any time de­clare be­fore the civil re­gis­trar the wish to re­vert to the name by which he or she was known pri­or to the mar­riage.

1 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 30 Sept. 2011 (Name and Cit­izen­ship), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 2569; BBl 2009 7573 7581).


140 III 577 (5A_334/2014) from 23. Oktober 2014
Regeste: Art. 19c Abs. 1 und Art. 30 Abs. 1 ZGB; höchstpersönliche Rechte, Namensänderung. Minderjährige über zwölf Jahre üben ihr Recht auf den Namen und dessen Änderung selbständig aus (E. 3.1). "Achtenswerte Gründe" zur Bewilligung der Namensänderung eines Kindes, das nach der Scheidung der Eltern den Namen des Inhabers der elterlichen Sorge annehmen soll (E. 3.2-3.5).


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