Swiss Civil CodeEnglish is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. |
Art. 478
II. Effect 1The disinherited person may neither participate in the estate nor bring an action in abatement. 2Unless disposed of otherwise by the testator, the disinherited person’s portion passes to the testator’s statutory heirs as if the disinherited person had predeceased. 3The disinherited person’s issue retain their statutory entitlements as if he or she had predeceased. BGE
139 V 1 (9C_678/2012, 9C_679/2012) from 30. Januar 2013
Regeste: Art. 25 Abs. 1 ATSG; Art. 2 Abs. 1 lit. a ATSV; Rückerstattungspflicht der Nachkommen. Nachkommen, die die letztwillig verfügte Einsetzung eines Universalerben unangefochten liessen, sind keine Erben. Sie haben daher die zuvor durch den Erblasser zu Unrecht bezogenen Sozialversicherungsleistungen nicht zurückzuerstatten (E. 4). |