Swiss Civil CodeEnglish is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. |
Art. 52
B. Supplementary cantonal provisions I. Rights and duties of the cantons 1The cantons shall enact the provisions required to supplement the Civil Code, including in particular those governing the competent authorities1 and the establishment of civil registries, guardianship authorities and land registries. 2The cantons shall enact any such supplementary provisions as are required to implement the Civil Code and may do so provisionally in the form of ordinances.2 3Cantonal provisions on register law require federal approval.3 4Notice of cantonal provisions on other matters must be given to the Federal Office of Justice.4 1 Presently the Adult protection authority (see Art. 440). BGE
138 III 337 (4A_741/2011) from 11. April 2012
Regeste: Art. 49 OR; Genugtuungsanspruch einer juristischen Person bei widerrechtlicher Verletzung ihrer Persönlichkeit. Eine juristische Person kann gestützt auf Art. 49 OR Genugtuung verlangen (Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung; E. 6.1). Kriterien, die bei der gerichtlichen Festsetzung der einer juristischen Person zuzusprechenden Genugtuungssumme zu beachten sind (E. 6.3). |