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Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 525

II. Ef­fect

1. Of abate­ment in gen­er­al


1Abate­ment is ap­plied in equal pro­por­tion in re­spect of all named heirs and leg­atees un­less it is evid­ent from the dis­pos­i­tion that the test­at­or in­ten­ded oth­er­wise.

2Where the abate­ment ap­plies to a leg­acy whose be­ne­fi­ciary is also the ob­lig­or of oth­er legacies, sub­ject to the same pro­viso such be­ne­fi­ciary may re­quest that those oth­er legacies be abated pro­por­tion­ately.