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Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 644

III. Ac­cessor­ies

1. Defin­i­tion


1Any dis­pos­i­tion af­fect­ing an ob­ject also ap­plies to its ac­cessor­ies, un­less an ex­cep­tion is made.

2Ac­cessor­ies are those chat­tels which, ac­cord­ing to loc­al cus­tom or the clear will of the main ob­ject's own­er, per­man­ently fa­cil­it­ate the man­age­ment, use or pre­ser­va­tion of the main ob­ject and are aux­il­i­ary thereto by vir­tue of hav­ing been joined to it, ad­ap­ted to it or oth­er­wise con­nec­ted with it.

3If an ob­ject is an ac­cess­ory, it re­mains so re­gard­less of tem­por­ary sep­ar­a­tion from the main ob­ject.