Swiss Civil CodeEnglish is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. |
Art. 651a
c. Animals kept as pets 1In the event of disputes over ownership of animals kept as pets rather than for investment or commercial purposes, the court will award sole ownership to whichever party offers the better conditions of animal welfare in which to keep the animal. 2The court may order the person to whom ownership of the animal is awarded to provide appropriate compensation to the other party; the court determines the amount at its discretion. 3The court shall take all necessary provisional measures, in particular in relation to the animal’s care in the interim. 1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 2002 (Article of Basic Principles: Animals), in force since 1 April 2003 (AS 2003 463; BBl 2002 4164 5806). BGE
143 III 646 (4A_241/2016) from 19. September 2017
Regeste: Art. 42 Abs. 3 und Art. 43 Abs. 1bis OR; Tier, das im häuslichen Bereich gehalten wird. Qualifikation eines Pferdes, das in einiger Distanz vom Wohnort seines Halters gehalten wird, von diesem oder dessen Familie aber selber gepflegt wird, so wie diese ein im Haus (oder unmittelbar daneben) lebendes Haustier täglich selber versorgen würden, als ein "im häuslichen Bereich" gehaltenes Tier i.S.v. Art. 42 Abs. 3 und Art. 43 Abs. 1bis OR (E. 1-3). |