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Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

Art. 674

2. En­croach­ing build­ings


1Build­ings and oth­er struc­tures en­croach­ing from one par­cel of land onto an­oth­er re­main part of the par­cel from which they ori­gin­ate, provid­ing their own­er has a right in rem to their ex­ist­ence.

2The right to en­croach on neigh­bour­ing land may be re­cor­ded as an ease­ment in the land re­gister.

3If an in­jured party fails to ob­ject in timely man­ner to an un­au­thor­ised en­croach­ment, des­pite be­ing aware of it, where jus­ti­fied in the cir­cum­stances the build­er of the en­croach­ing struc­ture, provided he or she ac­ted in good faith, may be gran­ted own­er­ship of the en­croach­ing part there­of or of the land be­low it in ex­change for ap­pro­pri­ate com­pens­a­tion.