Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 849

VII. Ob­jec­tions by the debt­or


1The debt­or may raise only such ob­jec­tions as arise from the entry in the land re­gister or to which he or she is per­son­ally en­titled with re­gard to the cred­it­or or to doc­u­ment of title in the case of a mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ate on pa­per.

2Agree­ments in­clud­ing an­cil­lary pro­vi­sions on the mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ate debt may only be cited in op­pos­i­tion to an ac­quirer of the mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ate act­ing in good faith if they are re­ferred to in the land re­gister and on the doc­u­ment of title in the case of a mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ate on pa­per.


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