Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 850

VIII. Au­thor­ised per­son


On the is­sue of a mort­gage cer­ti­fic­ate, a per­son may be gran­ted a power of at­tor­ney. This per­son must make and re­ceive pay­ments, re­ceive no­tices, con­sent to re­leases from li­ab­il­ity un­der the mort­gage and in gen­er­al safe­guard the rights of the cred­it­ors, debt­or and own­er with all due care and im­par­ti­al­ity

2The name of the au­thor­ised per­son must be re­cor­ded in the land re­gister and on the doc­u­ment of title.

3If the power of at­tor­ney lapses and the per­sons in­volved are un­able to agree, the court shall make the ne­ces­sary ar­range­ments.


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