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Swiss Civil Code

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 98

B. Pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure

I. Re­quest


1 The pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure is car­ried out at the civil re­gister of­fice at the dom­i­cile of the bride or groom at their re­quest.

2 They must ap­pear in per­son. If they may show that they clearly can­not be re­quired to do so, the pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure may be car­ried out in writ­ing.

3They must fur­nish doc­u­ment­ary proof of iden­tity and per­son­ally de­clare at the civil re­gister of­fice that they sat­is­fy the leg­al re­quire­ments for mar­riage; they must also pro­duce any ne­ces­sary con­sent.

4 En­gaged couples who are not Swiss cit­izens must prove dur­ing the pre­par­at­ory pro­ced­ure that they are law­fully res­id­ent in Switzer­land.149

149 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 12 June 2009 (Pre­ven­tion of Mar­riages in the event of Un­law­ful Res­id­ence), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 3057; BBl 2008 24672481).