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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 22

V. Place of ori­gin and dom­i­cile

1. Ori­gin


1 The place of ori­gin of a per­son is de­term­ined by his or her cit­izen­ship.

2 Cit­izen­ship is gov­erned by pub­lic law.

3 If a per­son is a cit­izen of more than one place, his or her place of ori­gin is the one in which he or she is or was most re­cently res­id­ent or, in the ab­sence of any such res­id­ence, the one in which he or she or his or her an­cest­ors last ac­quired cit­izen­ship.