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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 590

2. Li­ab­il­ity bey­ond the in­vent­ory


1 The heirs are not li­able either per­son­ally or with the in­her­it­ance to­wards cred­it­ors of the es­tate whose claims were not in­cluded in the in­vent­ory be­cause the cred­it­ors failed to re­gister them in time.

2 Where such fail­ure to re­gister claims in the in­vent­ory was through no fault of the cred­it­or or his or her claims were not in­cluded in the in­vent­ory des­pite hav­ing been re­gistered, the heir is li­able to the ex­tent he or she is en­riched by the in­her­it­ance.

3 In all cases, cred­it­ors may as­sert claims to the ex­tent these are se­cured by a li­en on the es­tate as­sets.