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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 604

B. Right to di­vi­sion


1 Any heir may at any time re­quest that the es­tate be di­vided un­less he or she is un­der a con­trac­tu­al or stat­utory ob­lig­a­tion to re­main a mem­ber of the com­munity of heirs.

2 On ap­plic­a­tion by an heir, the court may or­der a tem­por­ary de­fer­ral of the di­vi­sion of the es­tate or spe­cif­ic parts there­of where im­me­di­ate di­vi­sion would sub­stan­tially im­pair their value.

3 Where one heir is in­solv­ent, his or her co-heirs may ap­ply for pro­vi­sion­al meas­ures to se­cure their own claims im­me­di­ately upon suc­ces­sion.