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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 679

V. Landown­er’s li­ab­il­ity

1. Acts in ex­cess of own­er­ship rights


1 Where a per­son in­curs or is at risk of dam­age be­cause a landown­er acts in ex­cess of his or her own­er­ship rights, he or she may sue for abate­ment of the dam­age or for pro­tec­tion against any im­min­ent dam­age and for dam­ages.

2 Where a build­ing or in­stall­a­tion de­prives a neigh­bour­ing par­cel of land of cer­tain prop­er­ties, the afore­men­tioned rights ap­ply only if the reg­u­la­tions that ap­plied at the time the build­ing or in­stall­a­tion was con­struc­ted were not com­plied with.549

549 In­ser­ted by No I 1 of the FA of 11 Dec. 2009 (Re­gister Mort­gage Cer­ti­fic­ates and oth­er amend­ments to Prop­erty Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2012 (AS 2011 4637; BBl 2007 5283).