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Swiss Civil Code

of 10 December 1907 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

Art. 681b553

3. Modi­fic­a­tion, waiver


1 An agree­ment ex­clud­ing or modi­fy­ing a stat­utory right of pre-emption is val­id only if ex­ecuted in the form of a pub­lic deed. It may be entered un­der pri­or­ity no­tice in the land re­gister provided the right of pre-emption is held by the cur­rent own­er of an­oth­er par­cel of land.

2 The be­ne­fi­ciary may waive his or her stat­utory right of pre-emption in writ­ing once the event that trig­gers it has oc­curred.

553In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 on the Par­tial Re­vi­sion of the Civil Code (Im­mov­able Prop­erty Law) and of the Code of Ob­lig­a­tions (Pur­chase of Land), in force since 1 Jan. 1994 (AS 1993 1404; BBl 1988 III 953).